Results for County: ARTHUR

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Karli Wagner

  • Arthur
  • 4H Livestock: Beef - 4H Beef: Market Beef - Nebraska Fed Steer Challenge

Kacey Wernsman

  • Arthur
  • 4H Livestock: Beef - 4H Beef: Market Beef - Nebraska Fed Steer Challenge

Hailey Dam

  • Arthur
  • 4H Livestock: Rabbit - 4H Rabbit: Breeding Rabbits - Mini Satin Jr. Doe

Hailey Dam

  • Arthur
  • 4H Livestock: Rabbit - 4H Rabbit: Breeding Rabbits - Mini Satin Sr. Buck

Hailey Dam

  • Arthur
  • 4H Livestock: Rabbit - 4H Rabbit: Special Awards - Best Opposite

Hailey Dam

  • Arthur
  • 4H Livestock: Showmanship - 4H Rabbit: General Classes - Intermediate Rabbit Showmanship

Tristyn Meeks

  • Arthur
  • 4H Livestock: Showmanship - 4H Swine: General Classes - Intermediate Swine Showmanship

Jocelynn Meeks

  • Arthur
  • 4H Livestock: Showmanship - 4H Swine: General Classes - Junior Swine Showmanship

Jocelynn Meeks

  • Arthur
  • 4H Livestock: Swine - 4H Swine: Market Swine - Crossbred Market Gilts

Tristyn Meeks

  • Arthur
  • 4H Livestock: Swine - 4H Swine: Market Swine - Crossbred Market Gilts

Braden Wilson

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Communications & Expressive Arts - 4H Photography Unit II - Candid Photography Display or Print

Kaylee Wilson

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Communications & Expressive Arts - 4H Photography Unit II - Expression Through Color Display or Print

Nora Wilson

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-2D

Jaci Corfield

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-3D (string art, wreath, etc.)

Karli Wagner

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Furniture-Recycled/Remade

Ruby Ohm

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Quilt Quest - Barn Quilt Created Less than 4x4

Jaci Corfield

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Environmental & Earth Sciences - 4H Range Management - Parts of a Range Plant Poster

Braden Wilson

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 201 - Baking with Whole Grain

Ruby Ohm

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 201 - Coffee Cake

Rave Corfield

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Horticulture - Green Summer Squash

Jaci Corfield

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Horticulture - Salad Tomatoes

Kacey Wernsman

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Science & Technology - 4H Welding - Welding Art

Hailey Dam

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Acrylic Painting

Karli Wagner

  • Arthur
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Single Media Not Listed