Results for County: GRANT

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Lila Brennemann

  • Grant
  • 4H Contests: Personal Development & Leadership - 4H Fashion Show - Constructed STEAM Clothing 2 Garment

Alex Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Citizenship & Civic Education - 4H Leadership and Citizenship - Service Items

Luke Ferguson

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Citizenship & Civic Education - 4H Leadership and Citizenship - Service Items

Kody Carpenter

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Communications & Expressive Arts - 4H Photography Unit II - Abstract Photography Display or Print

Lydia Smith

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Communications & Expressive Arts - 4H Photography Unit II - Abstract Photography Display or Print

Kody Carpenter

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Communications & Expressive Arts - 4H Photography Unit II - Creative Techniques & Lighting Display or Print

Luke Ferguson

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Communications & Expressive Arts - 4H Photography Unit II - Creative Techniques & Lighting Display or Print

Lydia Smith

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Communications & Expressive Arts - 4H Photography Unit II - Expression Through Color Display or Print

Alex Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-3D (string art, wreath, etc.)

Layton Macy

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-Original Made from Wood

Alex Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Quilt Quest - Barn Quilt Created Less than 4x4

Braxton Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Quilt Quest - Barn Quilt Created Less than 4x4

Kody Carpenter

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Quilt Quest - Barn Quilt Created Less than 4x4

Clara Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H STEAM Clothing: Beyond The Needle - Fashion Accessory

Luke Ferguson

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Environmental & Earth Sciences - 4H Entomology - Macrophotography

Luke Ferguson

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Environmental & Earth Sciences - 4H Forestry - Design Your Own Exhibit

Luke Ferguson

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Environmental & Earth Sciences - 4H Outdoor Adventure - Level 2 - Poster

Tenley Drieling

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Environmental & Earth Sciences - 4H Taxidermy - Tanned Hides

Braxton Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 201 - Creative Mixes

Clara Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 201 - Loaf Quick Bread

Kody Carpenter

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 301 - Specialty Bread

Kody Carpenter

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 301 - Specialty Rolls

Alex Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Food Preservation - Unit 3 - Boiling Canning - 1 Jar Jelled Exhibit

Kody Carpenter

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Safety - First Aid Kit

Alex Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Floriculture - Desert Garden

Luke Ferguson

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Floriculture - Desert Garden

Alex Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Horticulture - Apples

Clara Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Horticulture - Apples

Braxton Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Science & Technology - 4H Veterinary Science - Veterinary Science Large Animal Poster, Notebook or Display

Tenley Drieling

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Science & Technology - 4H Welding - Welding Art

Tripp Drieling

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Science & Technology - 4H Welding - Welding Furniture

Clara Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Acrylic Painting

Alex Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Acrylic Painting

Clara Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Mixed Media

Garrett Huffman

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Mixed Media

Braxton Adam

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Pencil Drawing

Brecken Ricker

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Pencil Drawing

Garrett Huffman

  • Grant
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Single Media Not Listed