Results for County: LOUP

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Peyten Short

  • Loup
  • 4H Livestock: Dog - 4H Dog: Dog Agility - Level 2

Peyten Short

  • Loup
  • 4H Livestock: Dog - 4H Dog: Dog Obedience - Beginning Novice Division C

Peyten Short

  • Loup
  • 4H Livestock: Dog - 4H Dog: Dog Rally - Rally 1

Peyten Short

  • Loup
  • 4H Livestock: Dog - 4H Dog: Dog Showmanship - Showmanship - Intermediate (11-13)

Shay Skalsky

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Citizenship & Civic Education - 4H Leadership and Citizenship - Public Adventure Scrapbook

Clint Anderson

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-Recycled/Upcycled Item for the Home

Ellie Osentowski

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-Textile-2D

Natalie Petersen

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-Textile-2D

Ellie Osentowski

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Bedcover

Emma Osentowski

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Bedcover

Angel Estrada

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H STEAM Clothing: Beyond The Needle - Embellished Garment with Original Design

Madison Glidden

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H STEAM Clothing: Beyond The Needle - Embellished Garment with Original Design

Clint Anderson

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H STEAM Clothing: Beyond The Needle - Fashion Accessory

Sadie Moon

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H STEAM Clothing: Beyond The Needle - Fashion Accessory

Ellie Osentowski

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H STEAM Clothing: Beyond The Needle - Fashion Accessory

Samuel Petersen

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Environmental & Earth Sciences - 4H Wildlife Habitat - Feeders and Waterers

Garrett Keith

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 201 - Coffee Cake

Hudson Kraus

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 301 - Shortened Cake

Katelyn Hart

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Floriculture - Fairy or Miniature Garden

Peyten Eliot Short

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Floriculture - Flowering Potted Plant

Jacob Hart

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Floriculture - Rudbeckia/Black-Eyed Susan

Katelyn Hart

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Floriculture - Rudbeckia/Black-Eyed Susan

Nathaniel Hart

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Horticulture - 4H Cultivar Vegetable Collection

Greysen Weber

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Horticulture - Salad Tomatoes

Emerson Dunbar

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Horticulture - Sweet Corn (in husks)

William Smith

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Science & Technology - 4H Electricity - Electrical Display/Item

Charlie Smith

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Science & Technology - 4H Welding - Welding Art

Emma Osentowski

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Acrylic Painting

Emma Osentowski

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Pencil Drawing

Emma Osentowski

  • Loup
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Themes - Original Art Inspired by Artist's Choice