Results for County: SHERMAN

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Jillian Hurlburt

  • Sherman
  • 4H Contests: Personal Development & Leadership - 4H Fashion Show - Constructed STEAM Clothing 3 Garment

Lena Kaminski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Beef - 4H Beef: Hereford & Polled Hereford Breeding Beef - Hereford Yearling Heifers Calved March/April 2023

Calton Ahrens

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Beef - 4H Beef: Market Beef - Nebraska Fed Steer Challenge

Claire Ahrens

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Beef - 4H Beef: Market Beef - Nebraska Fed Steer Challenge

Cyrus Oseka

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Poultry - 4H Poultry: AOCCL Bantams - Polish NonBeard Wh Crested Bk Pul

Cyrus Oseka

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Poultry - 4H Poultry: Feather Legged Bantams - Silkie, Bearded Splash Pul

Brendan Carkoski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Sheep - 4H Sheep: Market Sheep - Crossbred Market Lambs

Ella Carkoski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Sheep - 4H Sheep: Market Sheep - Crossbred Market Lambs

Brendan Carkoski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Sheep - 4H Sheep: Market Sheep - Crossbred Market Lambs

Ella Carkoski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Sheep - 4H Sheep: Market Sheep - Crossbred Market Lambs

Lena Kaminski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Showmanship - 4H Beef: General Classes - Junior Beef Showmanship

Calton Ahrens

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Showmanship - 4H Beef: General Classes - Senior Beef Showmanship

Claire Ahrens

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Showmanship - 4H Beef: General Classes - Senior Beef Showmanship

Brendan Carkoski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Showmanship - 4H Sheep: General Classes - Intermediate Sheep Showmanship

Ella Carkoski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Showmanship - 4H Sheep: General Classes - Junior Sheep Showmanship

Perrie Kowalski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Showmanship - 4H Swine: General Classes - Junior Swine Showmanship

Cruz Sims

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Showmanship - 4H Swine: General Classes - Junior Swine Showmanship

Perrie Kowalski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Swine - 4H Swine: Breeding Gilt - Crossbred Breeding Gilts

Cruz Sims

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Swine - 4H Swine: Breeding Gilt - Purebred Hampshire Breeding Gilts

Perrie Kowalski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Swine - 4H Swine: Breeding Gilt - Purebred Yorkshire Breeding Gilts

Cruz Sims

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Swine - 4H Swine: Market Swine - Berkshire

Perrie Kowalski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Swine - 4H Swine: Market Swine - Crossbred Market Barrows

Caden Kowalski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Swine - 4H Swine: Market Swine - Crossbred Market Barrows

Cruz Sims

  • Sherman
  • 4H Livestock: Swine - 4H Swine: Special Awards - Reserve Champion Hampshire Breeding Gilt

Claire Ahrens

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Citizenship & Civic Education - 4H Heritage - Level I : Beginning - Family Genealogy/History Notebook

Koy Zulkoski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Communications & Expressive Arts - 4H Photography Unit II - Abstract Photography Display or Print

Brogan Setlik

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Communications & Expressive Arts - 4H Photography Unit II - Candid Photography Display or Print

Claire Ahrens

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-2D

Jordyn Ellison

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-3D (string art, wreath, etc.)

Raegan Skibinski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-Original Floral Design

Cyrus Oseka

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-Original Made from Wood

Dutch Miller

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-Recycled/Upcycled Item for the Home

Sylviahna VanSlyke

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Accessory-Recycled/Upcycled Item for the Home

Paisley VanSlyke

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Design Decision - Furniture-Recycled/Remade

Claire Ahrens

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H ESI: EntrepreneurShip Investigation - Marketing Package

Madilyn Schall

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H ESI: EntrepreneurShip Investigation - Sample of an Original Product

Tyra Sekutera

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Human Development - Babysitting Kit

Paisley VanSlyke

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Human Development - Language and Literacy Development

Sylviahna VanSlyke

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Human Development - Math

Brycen Ahrens

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H My Financial Future - Write 3 SMART Financial Goals for Yourself

Lena Kaminski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H Quilt Quest - Barn Quilt Created Less than 4x4

Raegan Skibinski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Consumer & Family Science - 4H STEAM Clothing: Beyond The Needle - Embellished Garment with Original Design

Hadlee Ahrens

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Environmental & Earth Sciences - 4H Conservation & Wildlife - Wildlife Essay

Brycen Ahrens

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Environmental & Earth Sciences - 4H Entomology - Insect Habitats

Jasper Kursave

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Environmental & Earth Sciences - 4H Wildlife Habitat - Houses

Cyrus Oseka

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 201 - Biscuits or Scones

Ian Roasa

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 201 - Loaf Quick Bread

Ella Curlo

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 301 - Dinner Rolls

Chase Spotanski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 301 - Specialty Rolls

Jozzie Slocum

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 301 - White Bread

Korbyn Oseka

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Healthy Lifestyle Education - 4H Cooking 401 - Ethnic Food Exhibit

Lena Kaminski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Floriculture - Desert Garden

Natalie Abood

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Floriculture - Fairy or Miniature Garden

Emma Heikel

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Floriculture - Fairy or Miniature Garden

Oaklee King

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Floriculture - Terrarium

Korbyn Oseka

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Floriculture - Terrarium

Chase Spotanski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Horticulture - Jalapeno Peppers

Cooper Spotanski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Plants - 4H Horticulture - Salad Tomatoes

Claire Ahrens

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Science & Technology - 4H Computers - Produce a Audio/Video Computer Presentation

Hadlee Ahrens

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Science & Technology - 4H Geospatial - Geocache

Koy Kusek

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Science & Technology - 4H Robotics - Kit Labeled Robot

Natalie Abood

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Science & Technology - 4H Veterinary Science - Veterinary Science Small Animal/Pet Poster, Notebook or Display

Madisyn Autobee

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Acrylic Painting

Madisyn Autobee

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Mixed Media

Skyler Oseka

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Painting on Purchased Ceramic Surface

Macie Slocum

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Pencil Drawing

Madilyn Schall

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Sculpture

Madisyn Autobee

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Single Media Not Listed

Koy Kusek

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Mediums - Original Watercolor Painting

Hailie Steinbrink

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Themes - Original Art Inspired by Artist's Choice

Huntley Zulkoski

  • Sherman
  • 4H Static: Visual Arts - 4H Visual Art Themes - Original Art Inspired by Landscapes